
Best countries for an EHS retreat

Germany — the country where I come from — has a population density of about 232/km². There are some less densely populated areas, but the government has planned to get basically full coverage for cell phone networks. This also includes 5G. This means less and less freedom to do basic things like buying groceries or going to a doctor. People with EHS are not recognized at all — quite to opposite — the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) and the ICNIRP in Munich (same building, same secretary) are not taking independent studies serious. I’m afraid that it isn’t that much different in other countries. The money is still more important than the health of the citizens. So the question is what should we look for in a country and an area to be suitable for people with EHS. I’m getting more an more pessimistic regarding Germany so I checked all countries with a set of criteria.


I sorted all countries in the world by population density and ignored those with a higher density than Germany. Then I looked at a set of criteria like political system, political stability, press freedom:

  • Population density lower than of Germany
    • There are 150 states remaining
  • Security / political stability
    • Most of the continent of Africa not suited
    • States like Venezuela, Middle East (Syria, Irak,…)  not suited
  • Political system (authoritarian governments, dictatorships)
    • e.g. China, North Korea, Turkey not suited
  • Press freedom
    • e.g. Russia, Turkey, Russia not suited
  • The more forest areas the better
  • Climate not too cold, so that growing own food is possible
  • Obstacles regarding immigration (difficult for example in the USA)
  • Travel (For someone in Germany New Zealand is a long journey)

Which countries remain?

The following countries remained in my list after I checked the above points:

Land Population density (people/ km²)
Germany: 226
Advantages 👍
> Europe
Hungary 106 close to Germany; Real estate prices Language difficult to learn
Romania 91 close to Germany; Real estate prices Language difficult to learn
Sweden 22 close to Germany; Very low population density Climate; Language difficult to learn; Less and less cache payment possible
Norway 16 close to Germany; Very low population density Climate; Language difficult to learn; Expensive (similar to Switzerland)
Finland 16 close to Germany; Very low population density Climate; Language difficult to learn
> North/South America
Canada 3,5 Very low population density; Language Climate; Travel by plane
Ecuador 61 Climate Travel by plane
Peru 24 Very low population density; Real estate prices; Climate; Landscape Travel by plane
Bolivia 10 Very low population density; Real estate prices; Climate Travel by plane; Political stability
Paraguay 17 Very low population density; Real estate prices; Climate Travel by plane; climate (to hot for some); Many forest areas have been cleared
Argentina 16 Very low population density Travel by plane;
glyphosate issue (Monsanto); Monetary crisis
Uruguay 19 Very low population density; Climate Travel by plane
Chile 23 Very low population density; Climate Travel by plane
Costa Rica 94 Climate; Landscape; Political stability; Many nature reserves Travel by plane; High population density in comparison to countries in South America
Belize 15 Very low population density; Language (English) Travel by plane
> Other countries
New Zealand 17 Very low population density; Climate; Language (English) Long travel by plane

For every country there are some disadvantages. New Zealand, Canada, and South America (Peru, Ecuador, Paraguay, e.g.) might be interesting. If you also have been looking at different countries or are interested in the project, let me know.

Source for population density: Wikipedia